The problem is, the world has made you forget.
You were told that money is hard (even though it isn’t).
That the only way to be successful is to work really, REALLY hard (even effort has nothing to do with earnings).
That it’s selfish to want money (even though we all require money to operate in the world).
You were led to believe that having money, especially in abundance, is greedy (even though having more money means you can do more GOOD in the world).
That ‘its not about the money’ (even though no successful business would stay in operation without money).
That investing is hard and to leave it to the professionals (even though every investor started from square 0 and built up).
You heard over and over ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ (even though it literally does).
That money was scarce (even though it’s continually expanding every day and there’s more money circulating in the world today than ever before in history).

You were shamed, guilted and berated for all your money choices, no matter what they were (so you learned to always feel shame, guilt and frustration around money in your life).
You were told:
To spend less and not be so materialistic (and then are inundated by advertising that tells you to 'buy more!').
Go to school, get a “good job”, buy a house and “live the dream” (even though the last several generations have had costlier education, lower paying jobs and the most unapproachable housing market in history).
You tried to find successful role models that look like you (but they all look like old white dudes who, let’s be honest, you don’t want to emulate thank you very much).
You have been convinced you have no power (even though it’s been within you all along).
It’s not your fault babe.

And you can claim back what was always yours.
You can step into the life of abundance you’ve always known was meant for you.
Your abundance and power over your financial life is yours to claim.
And I’m here to help you do just that.
Your whole life you’ve been programmed to believe all kinds of garbage that simply isn’t true.
And so you’ve acted as if you have no power, as if money is scarce.
Even though money has ALWAYS been abundant and your power has always belonged to you.
Building Fempires is about remembering who the f*ck you are and

It's who you've always been. It's time to embody your financially fearless and abundant AF self.

You are the divine creator of your life, the powerful force to whom the Universe bends, the dreamer, the source of it all, the manifestor of your financial freedom.
You decide how money shows up for you.
You are smart and knowledgeable and able to create anything you want.
Your dreams are what all of creation is falling over itself to bring to life.
The divine flowing through one body.
The magnet that draws everything in.
The one who radiates confidence.
You are the source of it all.
You are the boss, who has a relationship with money that is so unshakeable, so unfuckwithable, so filled with support and thriving on passion that you can hardly keep your hands off each other.

Embody the financial powerhouse who moves with confidence, fully in your power, knowing every one of your dreams is absolutely INEVITABLE.
Let go of lack and scarcity.
Say goodbye to fear driving all your financial decisions.
Release shame, guilt and frustration.
Step into the expansive way of BEing that allows you to thrive in the ease, passion and joy that was always meant to be your experience with money.

The radical decision that forever changed my life.
I know what it is to be broke, and I mean, broke as fuck.
Broke where you’re eating what’s left in your cupboards because there’s no more money until pay day. Broke where you’re hoping your credit card will clear when you buy fuel. Broke where “breaking even” sounds like the most amazing dream ever.
I didn’t grow up with money. I started working when I was 11 and I worked hard.
And no matter how much, or how hard, I worked, I was still somehow always… broke.
By 36 I was burned out. I decided to leave my design business and get a full time job while I figured out what to do.
I excelled at my role in tech, securing two promotions in less than two years, surpassing most of my peers and doubling my income.
I had an amazing life, a wonderful partner, a well-paying job, I was healthy, active - by all accounts I was a success and a powerhouse woman.
But if I had to do anything related to money, I was filled with shame and fear. I felt stuck, lost and so so behind.
I felt utterly powerless.
Financial professionals were daunting and unapproachable. I left every interaction in tears and wanting to throw up.
I was paying off So. Much. Debt.
I was told to ‘invest early’ but also ‘pay off debt first, then save, stop buying lattes’. No matter my action, I seemed to be doing it ‘wrong’.
I finally had enough.
I was done feeling less than, feeling shamed by my financial situation, feeling like I was always behind and never ever getting ahead.
So I did something radical, something that changed my life on every level.
I ignored what all the ‘financial gurus’ had taught me...

I decided to invest in me.
I started saving money, setting aside a little bit each month because I realized something very important:
It was more important for me to start seeing money grow in my life than to always feel like I’m playing catch up.
I was shifting out of my broke mentality.
I began growing my money - and my money knowledge.
I began taking my power back.

✨ I am the CEO of a growing and joyful business that lights me up from the inside.
✨ I’m married to the love of my life.
✨ I am fit, healthy and comfortable in my body (most days).
✨ I live in a wonderful home that feels safe and secure and happy.
✨ I have invested thousands of dollars to grow my financial freedom.
✨ I ski 20+ days a year in the mountains (a literal dream come true!).
✨ I have built a solid foundation of knowledge about money and finances, growing my confidence with every step.
✨ I continue to invest in myself, working with coaches and successful entrepreneurs to expand my world and deepen my wisdom.
✨ I wake up every day feeling on purpose, feeling passionate about how I use my time, feeling lit up AF for what I get to express in the world.
All because I chose to take my power back, that my dreams would become my reality.
And I decided to bet on me.

In the last 4 years...
...I’ve helped many people transform their perspectives and their realities
From achieving dream promotions to feeling more grounded and calm as they navigate challenging situations to increasing incomes
And most important of all, believing in themselves and the reality of their dreams

If you’re ready to:
💰 Finally understand money - what it is and how to most effectively flex the tools of money
💰 Enter “Boss Mode” with your: credit card, investing, leveraging financial tools or speaking with financial institutions
💰 Learn how your brain has been keeping you stuck - and how to shift it effortlessly
💰 Identify, neutralize and release limiting beliefs stopping you from all the abundance that is meant to be yours
💰 Create the reality you’ve been dreaming of
💰 Become the most unfuckwithable version of you the world has ever seen, manifesting all your dreams on command
You’re in precisely the right place
Inside Building Fempires, you will learn how to:
💸 Identify what’s keeping you stuck
💸 Release limiting beliefs
💸 Understand why money always seemed ‘hard’ to you
💸 Build a grounded money foundation to help you build wealth
💸 Embody boss vibes for all your financial conversations
💸 Leverage financial tools for your expansion (while leaving guilt at the door)
💸 Release shame and guilt around money in your life (for good)
💸 Expand your income (while reducing your effort)
💸 Invest confidently - so you can build true wealth
💸 Know how the history of money for women has impacted your financial reality
💸 Define and embody your most financially confident self yet
💸 Exponentially increase your overall confidence (hello confident AF self)
💸 Shift your perspective on ‘debt’
💸 Leverage your every day language to increase your income and financial confidence
💸 Keep your nervous system chill as you expand
💸 Invest your energy in yourself for consistent expansion
💸 Release ‘debt’ with ease while still feeling abundant
💸 Identify your desires (even the hidden ones!)
💸 Play with the Law of Polarity
💸 Work with your subconscious mind to create your dreams (instead of flailing against it)
What People Are Saying...
A truly transformative experience
Working with Amy was a truly transformative experience. Their style was exactly what I needed - they provided me with clarity, helped me change my perspective on challenges, and asked the right questions at the right time.
~ Katie
Coach, Cheerleader, Medic, Water Boy
At different times Amy was the coach, the cheerleader, the medic, and the water boy all wrapped up into one, and I knew when I fell that the one who I needed most would be beside me. The combination of unending patience and holding me accountable for my growth is a tightrope that few can walk, but Amy found that balance with grace and ease.
~ John
I'm really excited to get into this program!
I’m really excited to get into this program! Your energy just comes through the screen!
~ Sarah

It’s time to fully stand in your financial power.
Earn the money you’ve always wanted
Feel empowered when you interact with money
Claim what you want, and let the Universe support you so you can:
EXPAND (instead of stagnate)
BREATHE (instead of panic)
BUILD TRUE WEALTH (instead of running the Scarcity Hamster Wheel)

Lifetime Access - For Reals
You'll have lifetime access to this program, so you can come back and do it again and again.
You also will benefit from any future versions of this particular program, meaning, as the content is updated and upgraded, your lifetime access gives you access to those updates ... at no additional cost*.
*The creator reserves the right at any time to discontinue the course or make changes to payment expectations, including and not limited to, increasing pricing, revoking lifetime access, etc.
Q: How long is the program?
A: The full Building Fempires program is 7 weeks. I've done my best to keep the content as concise as possible while still communicating the most essential knowledge and information.
That said, you are not required by any means to finish it in 7 weeks. Maybe it takes you 10, maybe you work through it over 5 months - the pace is up to you.
Q: What if it doesn't work?
A: There are no guarantees to this program, just as there are no guarantees to life. My intention for you is that you transform your relationship with money into one of ease and empowerment, however, the onus for that creation lies fully on you.
It's very important to remember: you will get out of this program what you put in.
Q: Do you offer refunds?
A: Building Fempires comes with a 14 day* risk-free guarantee. Give it a go. If you don’t love it, get your money back in full. After 14 days*, no refunds will be given.
*From time of enrolment.
Amy van Meijl is not a licensed financial advisor, accountant, financial expert or investment advisor of any sort.
All information contained in the Building Fempires program and any supporting materials, including but not limited to, workbooks, meditations, podcasts, and training materials, are based on learned knowledge and personal experience and is not presented as financial advice of any kind.
Each consumer of the information presented is encouraged and responsible for doing their own research relating to financial tools, investments and decisions, to make informed decisions for their unique financial reality.
By purchasing and/or consuming the content contained within the Building Fempires program or supporting materials, you understand and agree that the responsibility and due diligence is fully yours and you will not and cannot hold Amy van Meijl, her company or any extended family, affiliates or other connections responsible.